
Monday, July 11, 2016

Busy Bee - My Second Elephant Rug

So, here she is.  A true test of my abilities.  Can I make a perfect elephant that I feel good enough to send out in to the world?  I kept thinking about all of the mistakes that I made in Orchid (the first elephant), and hoped they would stay away from this beauty.  I brought a little of Orchid forward in to Miss Busy Bee.  You can see her color shine through in the bow on her.

My kitty doesn't usually like to show off much, but she was so photogenic sitting next to Busy Bee that I thought this would be a great opportunity to show off the size of this rug.

I still look way to closely and critique my work way too much, But, she was a huge improvement!

You can always check out more of my work on my Ritzy Ricki Facebook page!

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