
Wednesday, September 6, 2017

Edie - My Eighth Elephant Rug

Meet Edie!  

She was created for a very special little girl who is scheduled to arrive in October.  I have to admit, I was a little rushed to finish her.  I needed her ready for the baby shower on Saturday and I was up late on Friday adding the finishing touches.  The procrastinator in me was showing.  I try really hard to stay organized and on task, but sometimes it is just too much and my brain convinces itself there is plenty of time. (There is never plenty of time!)

My friend, Gina, is the baby's grandmother.  When we found out Aubree's nursery would have an elephant theme, we knew we couldn't go wrong! It does seem to be my specialty after all.  I was a little nervous because I had just seen a post from the designer of the pattern regarding a change.  I almost thought I should stick with the original design.  Why change something that was already working?  But, I had faith in Ira Rott!  I have been using her patterns for awhile now, and she never ceases to amaze me.  The changes wouldn't even be noticed by the average person.  They were just tweaks to make the flow of the pattern better.

As the present was unwrapped, I heard the oh's and ah's from the guests.  It always makes me feel good to hear the pleasant surprises and amazement.  I guess I just don't see it as well as everyone else. Don't get me wrong, I know they are beautiful creations.  I just tend to pick apart my work and I will always notice the little mistakes.  Okay, okay I am working on changing my outlook.  The mistakes give them "character".

Congratulations to the Cole and Walker families!  I can't wait for Miss Aubree to arrive!

I'm not sure what my next big project will be, but be assured, you will hear from me again soon!


  1. The rug is awesome!! Thank you so much for making it for Aubree! It really is beautiful--you did a great job!
